Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Bird Surveys at Ganondagan SHS, NY

Grassland Bird Surveys at Ganondagan SHS south of Victor, NY (southeast of Rochester) will expand in 2017. Two primary goals of the surveys are to support the designation of Ganondagan as a NYS Bird Conservation Area (BCA) in 2017 and to aid in assessing conservation and habitat-restoration efforts going forward.  Help will be needed and greatly appreciated. Data will be collected using eBird, a free program. ("About eBird" and data-entry instructions for both the free website and free Mobile App are linked at the bottom.*) While grassland birds are emphasized, it's important to record ALL the bird species detected along with their counts or estimated counts. For conservation purposes, we need to know population trends.

For general information on NYS BCA's, go to http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/30935.html This is a state-level program on state lands, but otherwise it's similar to Audubon's Important Bird Areas (IBA) initiative.

The first 9 survey points (out of 61 planned) are active and can be used by any ebirder. Go to Hotspot Explorer - http://ebird.org/ebird/hotspots - and type in "Ganondagan SHS" and you'll see a list of all the locations. The two general hotspots are always available for any sort of birding at Ganondagan or for birds detected between survey points.

The protocol for the Ganondagan SHS grassland bird surveys, along with maps and sample data sheets, has been revised and can be emailed as a 4-page PDF. Stationary point counts will be 5-7 minutes long depending on habitat. Essentially it's five minutes in open habitat and seven in the more wooded settings. A series or sequence of two or more of the 5-7 minute counts at one point would aid detectability studies for each species reported.

eBird Hotsops (red markers) at Ganondagan SHS (satellite view)
There are five annual target surveys for each point: spring and fall migrations, breeding start and end, and one winter comparison. There is, however, no limit to the number of visits you can make, and ongoing, year-round coverage [weather permitting] would provide the greatest benefit for ornithological research and conservation. Please check the protocol PDF for all reporting details including weather notes and other information to include when using survey points. Non-ebirders can use paper forms or email their results to me at ebirder_14432@yahoo.com and I will forward them to Alexis VanWinkle, Supervising Conservation Steward, Ganondagan State Historic Site, 1488 Rt. 444, Victor, NY, 14564. She is headquartered at the Environmental Field Office, a.k.a. the old visitor center at the top of the hill near the blinking red light. Alexis is "more than willing to host introductory 'meetings' with anyone interested in helping on this project!" You can also contact Dave Spier or Alexis VanWinkle by facebook message.

Eastern Meadowlark, a grassland nesting species (© Dave Spier)

List of eBird hotspots at Ganondagan SHS with links and GPS coordinates
Ganondagan SHS http://ebird.org/ebird/hotspot/L522250    42.9635518, -77.4154615   
Ganondagan SHS--Fort Hill site http://ebird.org/ebird/hotspot/L697829    42.9615576, -77.4322844
survey pt. (Bluestem Unit, 4.7)  http://ebird.org/ebird/hotspot/L3656677 42.964159, -77.426105
survey pt. (Bluestem Unit, 4.8)  http://ebird.org/ebird/hotspot/L3601763 42.961625, -77.427503  
survey pt. (Bobolink Unit, 8.13) http://ebird.org/ebird/hotspot/L4709300 42.95462, -77.42846  
survey pt. (Dogwood Unit, 3.6) http://ebird.org/ebird/hotspot/L4723726 42.96454, -77.42163  
survey pt. (Farmhouse, 7.12) http://ebird.org/ebird/hotspot/L4723719 42.95934, -77.42494   
survey pt. (Fort Hill, 5.10) http://ebird.org/ebird/hotspot/L4721388 42.96411, -77.43416   
survey pt. (Fort Hill, 5.9)  http://ebird.org/ebird/hotspot/L4721402 42.96125, -77.43361   
survey pt. (Hickory Unit, 6.11)   http://ebird.org/ebird/hotspot/L3601768   42.959052, -77.429034
survey pt. (Pollinator Grassland, 2.5)  http://ebird.org/ebird/hotspot/L4718764  42.96364, -77.41364

*List of eBird links:
About eBird: http://ebird.org/content/ebird/about/
Entering data in eBird (website): http://help.ebird.org/customer/en/portal/articles/1972661
Entering data in eBird (Mobile App): http://help.ebird.org/customer/portal/articles/2411868


  1. The combined bar chart for all the Ganondagan hotspots (92 species so far) shows a lot of data gaps, including all of March and April: http://ebird.org/ebird/barchart?byr=1900&eyr=2017&bmo=1&emo=12&r=L522250,L697829,L3656677,L3601763,L4709300,L4723726,L4723719,L4721388,L4721402,L3601768,L4718764

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